Enoe Aracely Brown
Enoe Aracely Brown
Show #61. Barbara With is A Peace Activist, Psychic Channel for Albert Einstein in the Afterlife Teaches Peace On Earth Thru A System Calle...
Holistic Edge Radio is a podcast that explores choices for wellness to clarify often cryptic to seemingly simplistic material or regarded as irrelevant or "woo woo" to a bring a new understanding that is easier to comprehend as these fields change and grow. The show will feature holistic practitioners, medical professionals, sustainability/environment pioneers, pet/animal holistic practices, new ideas to age old problems like hoarding/clutter, addressing psychological and emotional imbalances, ways to address writing, arts,, and much more. There will be a tendency to learn more from those located on East Coast, but this is not a hard fast rule.
Enoe Aracely Brown, a bilingual New Yorker of Honduran birth, has worked in the mind/body/spirit field for 30 years.. She was part of a three-person team of course directors for the Open Center for over 25 years. She produced/cohosted the Open Center Show, WBAI 99.FM. She is now host/producer of the podcast www.holisticdgeradio.com and a Course Director for The New Center a new holistic center.
Kathryn Davis is the host for Heart of Mind on WBAI 99.5 FM radio. She is also the former station manager for PRN.Live online radio,
She edited the first 13 shows of Holistic Edge Radio. Kathryn is a seasoned professional in the radio industry who without her effort and encougement this show would not exist. She serves as an ongoing support for Holistic Edge Radio. WBAI Radio - NYC
Noa Rachel Bricklin is curently the new editor for Holistic Edge Radio audio shows, Noa is a NYC based creative director, production designer and wellness brand consultant.
She works extensively in film and television, and holds an MA in Art History and Social Anthropology from the University of St. Andrews. Noa Bricklin - IMDb
Enoe Eh-Noh-Eh
Aracely Ah-Raa-Sely
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